Cookie Policy

Axis Insurance Loss Adjustment Services Limited Company (AXIS) as the owner of the web site, there are cookies that we use for personalization of user during your visit to our online channels. Cookies are small pieces data sent to your computer by the web server through your web browser. The cookies we collect are only session cookies. web site uses only session cookies. The usage of these technologies is performed in accordance with the legislation we are subjected to, primarily the Law of the Protection of Personal Data no. 6698.

The purpose of this cookie clarification text is to provide you information concerning the processing of personal data obtained during the cookie usage by the site users/visitors (“Data Owner”) during management of the website (“Site”) managed by ourselves. In this text, we wish to explain types of cookies that we use with respect to the purpose, and the way you can use in controlling these cookies.

As AXIS, we may quit using the cookies that we used in our website, change their types or functions or add new cookies to our website. Therefore, we reserve the right of changing the provisions of this clarification text whenever we wish.  All types of change on the current clarification text will come in effect with issue in the website or any public channel. You can find the last day of update at the top of the text.

The names and purposes of the cookies used on our website as AXIS are as follows:

Session Cookies

This type of cookies are necessary for the functions of the web site to work properly. These cookies allow the website to be visited and its features to be used. Session cookies are used to transfer information between various pages of the website and to prevent users in submitting the information more than once. Session cookies are temporary cookies that are stored in the user’s/visitor’s browser until leaving the website

Data processing regarding cookies

In accordance with Articles 5 and 8 of the Law of Protection of Personal Data and in case of needed situations according to existence of exceptions in the relevant legislation, your personal data may be processed in accordance with above-mentioned purposes upon your consent or in the contrary without your approval. As AXIS, we can share your personal data within the scope of the clarification text, with our suppliers as being restricted and legislatively, and with legally authorized public institutions. We wish to point out that the parties to whom your personal data are transmitted can be saved in servers worldwide.

How Can You Check Cookie Usage?

Visitors/users have the facility to personalize their choices regarding cookies by changing the settings of the browser that they use in accessing the platform. If the browser they use enables such a facility, it is possible to change the preferences regarding cookies through browser settings. By this means, despite there may be alterations with respect to the facilities provided by the browser, the data owners have the chance of disabling cookie usage, preferring to be noticed prior to using a cookie, alternatively only disable or delete certain cookies. Generally, web browsers are predefined to accept cookies automatically. Browsers can be adjusted to block cookies or warn the user when cookies are transmitted to the device. Since cookie management may differ from browser to browser, please refer to the help menu of your browser for more information.

You can allow or reject cookies by using the below-described methods:

Google Chrome: You click the “lock” symbol at the address section of your browser, then can allow or block cookies from the “Cookies” tab.

Internet Explorer (Microsoft Edge): From the“Tools” section located on upper right of your browser, you can click the security tab and can manage the cookies by selecting “allow” or “not allow”.

Mozilla Firefox: Click the “open menu” tab on the upper right of your browser. You can manage cookies by clicking the “Preferences” image and using the “Privacy and Security” button.

Opera: You can manage cookies by choosing “Advanced” in “Cookies” section in “Preferences” of your browser.

Safari: You can carry out all your cookies management through “Privacy and Security” section located at “Safari” tab on the “Settings” section of your phone.

For more information on all cookies and their management as well as the above-mentioned alternatives, you can visit the websites https://www.allaboutcookies.org or use the “Privacy Badger” process. (

If you refuse permanent cookies or session cookies, you can continue using the website, mobile application and the mobile website, however you may be unable to access all features of the website and the mobile application or your access may be limited.

In order to recall your preferences of Functional and Analytical Cookies, using the website effectively, optimizing the website to respond user’s requests, and data concerning how the visitors use the website. Due to their character, this type of cookies may contain your personal information such as user name etc.

The preferences on cookies shall have to be performed separately as private to each device that the visitor attains access to the Platform. As regards cookies used by numerous companies in their activities of advertisement, cookies can be managed through Your Online Choices (

Settings menu of the mobile device can be used for managing cookies through mobile devices.